Holistic Wellness during Pregnancy and Beyond

Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help support your pregnancy in a multitude of ways from increasing energy to relieving nausea and vomiting to decreasing stress. Throughout your pregnancy, acupuncture can address issues as they arise and continually support and prepare your body for labor and a healthy postpartum recovery. Acupuncture treatments during pregnancy are gentle, effective and provide a peaceful time for mothers to connect with their baby.

First Trimester

Care during the first trimester is the foundation of a healthy pregnancy. During this stage, the focus is on nourishing both mother and baby to ensure a stable pregnancy. Other goals include reducing the duration and frequency of morning sickness, increasing energy and calming the nervous system to maintain a balanced emotional state.

Second Trimester

The second trimester is a golden time when morning sickness typically eases, you’re beginning to feel the baby move and are generally feeling good. During this time, care is focused on supporting healthy digestion, relieving stress and supporting emotional health, and addressing any aches and pains that might be showing up.

Third Trimester

During the third trimester, so many changes are taking place. Your baby and belly are growing faster which can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as fatigue, acid reflux, sciatica and other aches and pains. It’s also a time when things start to feel VERY real! Your emotions may be a whirlwind and there are a lot of things to get done which can sometimes lead to anxiety.

During this time, acupuncture treatments continue to be focused on calming the nervous system and increasing energy with the added goals of managing aches and pains and preparing the body for labor. After 36 weeks, treatments should be weekly or even twice a week and will include acupuncture points that help tone the uterus and provide nourishment to mom and baby. At week 39 and 40, we will use specific points that focus on softening the cervix and relaxing ligaments to promote natural labor.

Postpartum: The Fourth Trimester

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According to Chinese medicine, the 4-6 weeks following birth are a special time for the new mother. It’s not only a time to get to know your new baby but also to rest and heal the body from giving birth. Acupuncture is an incredibly restorative way to nourish yourself during this time. In this peaceful hour to yourself, you’ll receive support focused on restoring energy, healing the body and spirit and addressing any specific symptoms that you may be experiencing.